
Archive for January, 2023

How To Decide if LIB or LAB is Right for You

January 31st, 2023  | 
Electric ForkliftsProductivityResource Center/BLOG

As environmental considerations and fluctuating oil prices continue to push consumers toward alternatives to traditional internal combustion engines, material handling operations increasingly look toward electric equipment solutions. Lead acid battery forklifts have been the standard for years, but with the new push towards zero- emission products, the Lithium-ion battery forklift may be the right fit for you.

In operations that utilize forklifts, far more electric units are now sold than those powered by internal combustion engines. Electric forklifts now make up nearly 70 percent of all trucks sold, and with increasing demand for electric power comes a need to provide a solution that provides all of the benefits of traditional engines without a loss in productivity.

Lead acid batteries have been a capable but imperfect solution for years, and they continue to dominate the market today. It is estimated that lead acid batteries power 90 percent of electric forklifts in operation.


A new player has emerged on the scene in recent years and is revolutionizing the way some companies do business. Lithium-ion battery (LiB) technology represents the next generation of forklift technology, and LiB’s market share in electric forklifts is expected to grow significantly in the coming years.

But while LiB technology offers unique benefits, these batteries don’t make sense for every operation. You can use a new metric – Equivalent Battery Usage (EBU) – to help you decide if making the shift to LiB batteries is best for you.

EBU measures the number of cycles customers typically use their lead acid batteries per day. A common threshold for determining whether LiB makes sense for your operation is 1.6 times per day. If your operation’s EBU is above 1.6, LiB could be a potential fit for you. If it falls below 1.6, however, it probably makes more sense to continue using lead acid.

Typically, multi-shift applications are above the 1.6 EBU threshold – so any customer operating their equipment for more than one shift per day is a good candidate for considering LiB technology.

The reason LiB doesn’t make sense for every customer today is simple – the high upfront cost and the high variability in return on investment. LiBs are more expensive than lead acid batteries, and they’re best used in high-throughput applications – such as distribution facilities, retail, and paper industries.

Are you considering the move the lithium-ion batteries? Schedule an appointment with an operations consultant today to learn which battery solution would best suit your unique needs.

Author: Justin Albers, Corporate Communications Specialist, Toyota Material Handling

The original content is located here.

Subscribe to Toyota Forklift’s blog here.

Do you want more info on forklift batteries? Read FAQs here.


How To Problem Solve With Toyota Lean Management

January 30th, 2023  | 
ProductivityResource Center/BLOGToyota Production System

Albert Einstein once wrote, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Simply put, coming up with creative and innovative solutions to problems oftentimes requires you to look at the problem with a fresh perspective. As we’ve discussed in previous Toyota Lean Management blog posts, recognizing and cutting down on waste is critical to increasing your efficiency, reducing costs, and improving throughput. However, in order to make these improvements and see positive changes in ROI, a key step is recognizing where problems exist and working to solve them.

To recognize and solve these problems, it is often helpful to view them with a different lens to reach a newfound conclusion. Toyota’s 8 steps for problem-solving act as the lens that allows you to view different aspects of your operation from a new perspective.

Consider these eight steps as you start on the path to continuous improvement.

  1. Clarify the problem

The first step in solving a problem is realizing that one exists. You can define a problem by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Does my current process deviate from the standard?
  • Is there a gap in my current process with what I am trying to accomplish vs. what I am accomplishing?
  • Are my customer’s needs being met with my current process?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, then you know you have a problem that could use some improvement.

  1. Break down the problem

Now that you’ve verified the problem, you can begin to break down the issue into smaller, more detailed pieces. It can be helpful to analyze the different inputs and outputs of your process so you can effectively see where you are currently placing your efforts. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. It is much easier to manage and solve smaller problems rather than attack one large problem with little direction.

  1. Set a target

The third step is all about commitment and consistency. Now that you’ve broken down the problem, how are you going to go about solving it? How are you going to meet your new deadline, and how long will it take to complete? Allot adequate time for each activity to ensure you are giving each aspect of the project enough attention.

  1. Analyze the root cause

Analyzing the root cause allows you to identify each of the factor(s) that caused a problem in the first place. Sometimes there is more than one cause, and it is important to consider each one as you work to address the issue.

  1. Develop countermeasures

Establishing the root cause is only half the battle. Now, you must develop countermeasures for each of those root causes to prevent the same issues from occurring again.

  1. Implement countermeasures

Now that you’ve established your countermeasures, it is time to put them into action. You may want to seek ideas from other team members to ensure you are not missing any steps. Also, it can be helpful to track how effective each countermeasure is performing along the way and make adjustments where necessary.

  1. Evaluate Results and Process

The seventh step is all about implementing a system to review and evaluate how your new process is working. Countermeasures will fail, but it is important to develop an effective system that always looks for areas of improvement in order to reach the desired result.

  1. Standardize Successful Processes

After receiving successful results from your previous evaluation, it is time to standardize the process within your team and the entire organization. As you work through the standardization process, continue to look for possible unresolved issues that you may have missed the first time.

Remember, the road to establishing a lean organization doesn’t stop once you improve a few processes. Lean isn’t just about identifying where you can do better; it’s about instilling a culture of respect and developing to create a workplace that your associates enjoy working in. Achieving business goals and leaner processes requires dedication and teamwork from every individual in the organization. Encourage open communication and empower your employees to bring problems to your attention when they are detected.

The original content is located here.

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What You Need To Know About Forklift Batteries

January 3rd, 2023  | 
Electric ForkliftsProductivityResource Center/BLOG

When selecting a forklift battery, choosing the best option for your business needs is essential. There are two common types of forklift batteries, each with advantages and disadvantages. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about electric forklift batteries so you can make an informed decision when purchasing one. 

What are the most common types of forklift batteries?

There are two common types of forklift batteries: lead-acid and lithium-ion.  

Which forklift battery type is the most affordable?

Lead-acid batteries are less expensive upfront but may cost more long-term.  

What are the advantages of lead-acid forklift batteries?

Lead-acid batteries are the most used forklift batteries due to their affordability and relatively low maintenance costs, making them the ideal choice for those on a budget.  

What are the disadvantages of lead-acid forklift batteries?  

Lead-acid batteries have some drawbacks—requiring frequent recharging and maintenance.  

How long does it take to charge a lead acid forklift battery fully? 

It takes about eight hours to charge a lead acid battery fully.  

What is the lifespan of a lead-acid forklift battery?

A properly maintained lead-acid battery has a maximum lifespan of between 1,000 and 1,500 cycles.  

What are the advantages of lithium-ion forklift batteries? 

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are quickly becoming the preferred option for many businesses due to their superior performance and efficiency compared to lead-acid batteries. Li-ion batteries offer several advantages over lead-acid batteries, such as longer run times, lighter weight, and no need for frequent recharging or maintenance due to their low self-discharge rate.  

Are there any disadvantages of lithium-ion forklift batteries?

The downside is that Li-ion batteries are more expensive than lead-acid batteries.  

How long does it take to charge a lithium-ion battery fully?

A lithium-ion battery can fully charge in as little as two hours.  

What is the lifespan of a lithium-ion battery?

Lithium-ion batteries can last anywhere between 2,000 and 3,000 cycles.  

Do you have to fully charge a lithium-ion battery before using it?

One of the significant advantages of lithium-ion batteries is called opportunity charging, which is the ability to plug in and charge any time of the day, even if only for a few minutes. With opportunity charging, forklifts are plugged into chargers anytime the operators are on break, lunch, or during a shift change. When the operators return to work, the forklifts are ready until the next opportunity to charge.   

What is the best battery choice for multi-shift operations?

Fast-charging lithium-ion batteries are the ideal choice for multi-shift operations.  

What is the best forklift battery choice overall?

Lead-acid batteries are inexpensive but require frequent recharging and maintenance, while lithium-ion batteries offer longer run times and less maintenance but come with higher price tags attached. There is no one size fits all solution when choosing a battery option for your forklift; each business has unique needs and budgets to consider when making this crucial decision. Consider all factors carefully to ensure you get the most out of your purchase. 

Can we get advice before we make our choice?

Absolutely. Our material-handling experts are available for free consultations. Contact us today! 

OSHA Safety Tips for Operating a Forklift

January 2nd, 2023  | 
Resource Center/BLOGTraining

Forklifts are powerful machines used in a wide range of industrial projects. As such, forklift operators must know the safety regulations mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This blog post will examine some essential safety tips when operating a forklift.  

Forklift Training Requirements

First, all potential forklift operators must have up-to-date training. According to OSHA, an operator must have “demonstrated the ability to safely operate [the] type(s) of powered industrial truck(s) [they] will be operating” before being allowed to use one.  

Training should include classroom instruction and hands-on experience with the specific make/model of forklift they will be using. Additionally, forklift operators need refresher courses every three years or whenever an operator changes employers or job duties. 

Need training or fresher courses? Sign up for our forklift operator safety training class with hands-on instruction by Toyota-certified trainers.  

Pre-Operation Inspections

Pre-operation inspections are also critical to ensuring your forklift is properly working and preventing potentially dangerous accidents on the job site. Every day, an approved individual should inspect the brakes, steering mechanisms, hydraulic systems, tires, mast chains/hooks/rollers, overhead guard assemblies, and other parts before allowing anyone to operate a forklift. Additionally, components such as lights, horns, mirrors, tires, and forks should be inspected daily before use to ensure no defects that may lead to an accident or injury while on the job.  

OSHA Forklift Maintenance Rules

Forklifts must be maintained by following the manufacturer’s specifications and OSHA requirements. As we mentioned above, it is essential to regularly check all parts of the forklift for wear or damage that could affect its safe operation. It is also necessary to follow all manufacturer-recommended maintenance schedules for your machine; if something does not seem right during operation (e.g., strange noises or vibrations), have it inspected immediately by a qualified mechanic.  

OSHA Forklift Maintenance Records

OSHA also requires employers to keep accurate records of maintenance work on each piece of equipment to protect their employees from unnecessary risks while on the job site.  

Maximum Load Limits

Another critical regulation set forth by OSHA is that operators should never exceed the maximum load limit specified by the manufacturer or risk causing an accident or injury due to an overloaded machine.  

Other Safety Guidelines  

For their safety and those around them, all operators should adhere to specific guidelines while using their machines—such as never raising passengers off the ground without adequate fall protection measures or traveling faster than five mph on ramps or ten mph on level surfaces. They should also avoid making sudden stops or starts and refrain from driving up slopes greater than 15%. Finally, they should always remain vigilant while operating their vehicle; distractions can lead to severe injury or death if not avoided at all costs.  

Forklift Safety Products 

A safety-first mindset can help everyone in your facility stay safe and avoid injuries. Read about nine forklift safety products designed to improve workplace safety here.  

Operating a forklift requires skill and focus—and adhering to OSHA safety rules is paramount to any successful job site operation involving these machines. While many factors are at play regarding keeping everyone safe while using a forklift, following these tips can ensure everyone on site remains safe throughout their workday. Proper training and due diligence following these guidelines can help keep your workplace accident-free!